By: Miranda Gutiérrez Romamy
"While suffering like a dog, there is no better job than journalism" Gabriel García Márquez
IN QUINTANA ROO authorities do not provide the necessary guarantees for journalists to do their job safely, are attacked, persecuted and harassed, was widespread manifestation of the guild that attended Workshop Failsafe for Journalists, which was conducted in the municipality of Benito Juárez, 13 and 14 of this December.
The event organized by The House of Journalists' Rights in conjunction with Freedom House's main objective was to give talks in relation to the defense and promotion of the rights of journalists, stressed the importance of training and dissemination of collateral
of this association, since prevention work is a transcendental element to generate an environment that favors the fundamental rights and human dignity flying.
The venue of the meeting was at the University of the Caribbean, where the representative of the state guild Machuca Graciela Martínez, urged attendees to constantly trained to inform and contextualize their information, and to be responsible and not betray the trust of society ... .. Transcribe verbatim the resolution of the event: