martes, 28 de octubre de 2014


Cancun, Quintana Roo. Monday October 27, 2014.

  Dario Ramirez Salazar
Director of the Organization Article 19

It is clear and I mean full: there are civil organizations that profit defame and live by that motto. These NGOs will find it easy to speak ill of the government of Quintana Roo even without considering the social impact that this will bring and especially have tagged as an entity which occur in systematic abuses against journalists.

It is well that all news reporting about the death of a person are unfortunate when they become part of a statistic, but it is even more shocking death of a journalist, or a social activist, working in risky investigations to to inform society of the dangers they face in the use of freedom of expression.

There is a saying: nobody must like being told that speaks for goose. However there are people who speak through the mouth of a newspaper, a radio, a journalist, a broadcaster or a taxi driver. When the talk and one listen can identify that are an echo player something they read or heard and transmitted or disseminated without investigating what repeated as geese. The fact of repeating what others say is to ignore what the other wants is just that ... to repeat. Whether your interest is in making believe that he says and he pays off benefits that often result in substantial economic gains.

Based on these considerations, the objectives of civil organizations defending the rights of journalists are to implement and operate prevention and protection measures to guarantee the life, integrity, liberty and security of persons who are at risk as a result defense and promotion of human rights and the exercise of freedom of expression and journalism.

Throughout 2014, Article 19 documented a total of 222 attacks on Mexican journalists: 94 physical assaults; 40 intimidation; 37 threats; 23 arbitrary arrests; Three murders and an attack on the premises of a radio station. Of this amount, the agency notes that 42% of cases are caused by public officials; 17% of individuals and 27% is unknown who attacked.

We must recognize the professionalism of this organization since some attacks against representatives of media that records the document were not disclosed by Article 19 for safety.
The deterioration of the security context demands a fundamental element of solidarity.

Article 19 points out in its report that the attacks are concentrated in the hands of government authorities, but clearly homicides occur at the hands of organized crime It has been seen to date, and that no doubt.

However Article 19 apparently has diverted poring objectivity of that organization in a campaign for all staff lights against the governor of Quintana Roo. It is unfair to use the flag of journalism to cover the real interests that responds Article 19; even when just the murder of another journalist in Sinaloa happen and it does not make any statement against the government of that state or defending journalism, let alone the integrity of the family of the murdered.

#ALERTA: Government blames #QRoo no evidence the journalist Pedro Canché criticbetoborge. ‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

It is already clear that this is a strategy or slogan to help smear campaign against the state, not to mention foreign policy interests to Quintana Roo. It would be unfortunate for the journalists' union, an organization at this level lose objectivity and impartiality of its function.

Clearly incisive approach that has been given to this topic and reveals a personal matter of Article 19 against Gov. Roberto Borge Angulo, which resulted in the image of the entity that is damaged and can not be allowed because of the harmony of a state depend on its inhabitants. I invite the organization, ie Article 19, to take a stand to build to solve problems, not to live in them

Betanzos Virginia Moreno

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