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Eduardo Albor Villanueva, director of Dolphin Discovery |
Eduardo Albor Villanueva, director of Dolphin Discovery said that, contrary to what reported Profepa in a statement, the dolphinarium Riviera Cancun that operates within the hotel Moon Palace has all authorizations in environmental impact required, and environmental Attorney own has conducted four inspections in which he concluded that there was no irregularity.
In a tone of annoyance evidence, businessman, described as "inaccurate and irresponsible notes that only promote disinformation and speculation", recent publications in which a bulletin of the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) was taken in the which disclosed the suspension of the controversial dolphin.
In the statement of February 20, Profepa notes that "as part of the inspection carried out by the PROFEPA dolphin, a visit to the facilities where takes place the dolphin swim at the Moon Palace Hotel, order was made to review and verify their authorizations and health status of individuals and facilities ".
"Due to the above, the company Dolphin Discovery, which operates the activities of these aquatic mammals swim in that hotel, did not submit the authorization in environmental impact issued by the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) for such activity in a Natural Protected Area (NPA), so PROFEPA personnel ordered as a precautionary measure the immediate suspension of swimming with dolphins. "
Eduardo Albor, recounted permits and authorizations delivered by SEMARNAT and inspections conducted by Profepa, than with the legal operation of the dolphinarium, which is within the Protected Area National Park Reefs of Puerto it is based Morelos; even if the employer acknowledged that the initial authorization of 1997, when the site still had no protection category was not to build a dock, much less a dolphinarium, but only for "water features".
Count of authorizations
The Director General of Dolphin Discovery cited that for operation within the dolphinarium Riviera Cancun Hotel Moon Palace is equipped with the following documents:
Environmental impact authorization of August 13, 1997, number SMA422297 in which SEMARNAT authorized the expansion project of Moon Palace, and wherein part of the authorizations are "water features" where today the dolphinarium is, "with construction authorization using the same was authorized; (So) it is evident that both the construction of the dolphinarium, as well as water and underwater activities in the same was authorized since 1997, "said Albor, who, however, misrepresented the fact because, as he admitted later, permission was generic of "water sports facilities"; and not for a dolphinarium.
He said the August 9, 2012, when the renovation of Moon Palace is made, SEMARNAT, in trade 04SGA1102, ruled that prior authorization is not required in environmental impact under the authorization of 2009 already had.
The same Semarnat authorized in September 2012, by official SGPADGEVS07875 / 12 incorporating the standard of premises and facilities that manage wildlife outside their natural dwelling, installation called Dolphin Discovery Riviera Cancun with control number DGVSPIS071-QROO, located in the Moon Palace to house the species Tursiops truncatus (bottlenose dolphin) and perform management activities, exhibition, recreation, environmental education, research and interactive swim.
On October 23, 2012, after completing a request for environmental information, SEMARNAT, 09867/12 issued by the office which authorized the operation activity swimming with dolphins in the Dolphinarium Dolphin Discovery Riviera Cancun which began operations on December 2, 2012.
Similarly, Profepa has made four inspections:
From October 31 to November 5, 2012, Profepa conducted an inspection and lifted the PFPA29.30109-12 Act, which was resolved "that once the visit close the check without finding any abnormality"
From 4 to 6 December 2012 a visit on wildlife is done, being seated in the 142-12 record, "which concludes that no irregularity was observed".
From 30 to 31 January 2014, rising another visit serealiza the 004-14 record.
On July 9, 2014, Profepa lifts a 0066-14 record, where again "determined that no irregularity was observed"
The September 24, 2014 Profepa notifies the completion of the record "without finding fault"
In November Profepa recognizes Dolphin Discovery and doctor of veterinary medicine Roberto Sánchez, "for their invaluable support and collaboration with the attorney for the protection of wildlife in Quintana Roo".
The Riviera Cancun Hotel Moon Palace dolphinarium has been rejected by the community of Puerto Morelos and officials of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas itself, however, managed to become operational in December 2012, with the complacency of Slim SEMARNAT, Gabriel Lima, and using legal technicalities and loopholes.
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